السيرة الذاتية
الكيمياء الفيزيائية
التخصص الدقيق
الدرجة العلمية
البريد الالكتروني
الموقع الشخصي
مبنى ٩٠أ- الدور الثالث |
المكتب |
6400000 آو 6951410
هاتف العمل
- درجة الدكتوراه في الكيمياء من جامعة ميزوري- كولومبيا، الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، ١٩٩٠.
- درجة الماجستير في الكيمياء من جامعة ميزوري- كولومبيا، الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، ١٩٨٦.
- بكالوريوس في الكيمياء من جامعة الملك عبد العزيز، المملكة العربية السعودية، ١٩٨٠.
الجوائز العلمية
جائزة النشر العلمي – عمادة البحث العلمي – جامعة الملك عبد العزيز لمدة ٩ أعوام متتالية من (١٤٢٩ الي ١٤٣٨)
جائزة النشر في مجلة الNature لعام (١٤٣٩-١٤٤٠)
الخبرات الإدارية و الأكاديمية
- وكيل كليه العلوم للتطوير بقرار معالي مدير الجامعه رقم 15349 وتاريخ5/11/1431 لمدة ٦ سنوات (٣ فترات متتالية).
- رئيس قسم الكيمياء منذ 17/10/1426 إلى 18/10/1430
- وكيل كلية العلوم للدراسات العليا من قبل سعادة عميد الكلية بقرار رقم 75760/د من 27/5/1434 إلى 15/5/1434هـ
- عضو لجنة دراسة وضع آلية قياس جودة التعليم ومخرجات السنة التحضيرية(ممثل كلية العلوم)
- عضو الجنه الثلاثيه بالقسم للدراسات العليا بالقسم منذ 1430
- عضو لجنه متابعه مبتعثي القسم منذ 1430
- أمين مجلس فسم الكيماء 1416 -1418 .
- أمين مجلس قسم الكيمياء فتره ثانيه 1420 -1422
- عضو اللجنة العلمية لأولمبياد العربي الخامس في الكيمياء – اتحاد الكيميائيين العرب - المملكة العربية السعودية 2009-1430هـ .
- عضو وفد جامعة الملك عبد العزيز المشارك في مناقشة سبل
التعاون مع الجامعات والمعاهد الفرنسية – باريس- فرنسا 18-22/2/1429ھ
الموافق 25-29/2/2008م .
- عضو لجنه تأديب الطلاب بالكلية قرار رقم 15949 وتاريخ 20/2/1428 .
- عضو لجنه متابعه مقرر العلوم العامة 100 ابتداء من8/10/ 1427 .
- عضو لجنة الامتحانات بكلية العلوم ابتداء من 20/12/1427 .
- عضو لجنة تقييم القطاعات المختلفة بكلية العلوم قرار رقم 15949/د/28 وتاريخ 28/ 2/1428 .
- عضو اللجنة المنظمة للمؤتمر الوطني الكيميائي المنعقد
بمكة المكرمة في الفترة 27-29/3/1428 بعنوان الاتجاهات ألحديثه في
الكيمياء لمستقبل وحياة أفضل .
- عضو لجنه الدراسات العليا بالقسم منذ عام 1415 حتى 1425 ( لمدة عشر سنوات ) .
- منسق للقسم مع قسم الطالبات لمدة عامين 1417 إلى 1419هـ .
- عضو بلجنة الإرشاد الأكاديمي بالقسم 1412-1413 هـ .
- عضو بلجنة الكيماويات بالقسم لمدة عامين 1413- 1415هـ .
- عضو اللجنة المكلفة بتقييم وتطوير برنامج دبلوم فني مختبرات – كيمياء بالقسم .
- المساهمة في برنامج تطوير الدراسات العليا بشعبه الكيمياء الفيزيائية بالقسم .
- تحكيم العديد من رسائل الماجستير من داخل الجامعة ومن خارجها .
- تحكيم العديد من المشاريع البحثية من داخل الجامعة ومن خارجها .
- في سنوات البعثة العلمية للدراسات العليا بأمريكا
القيام بمهام آمين سر وآمين الصندوق ونائب الرئيس ورئيس المكلف بنادي
الطلبة السعوديين في مدينة كولومبيا في ولاية ميزوري في الفترة 1986-1990م .
برائة الاختراع
of producing carbon nanotube network which is aerogel and xerogel,
comprises dispersing carbon nanotubes, crosslinking carbon nanotubes
using functional groups to form covalently crosslinked gel network, and
removing solvent
Patent Number(s): WO2012098345-A2
Patent Assignee Name(s) and Code(s):UNIV KING ABDULAZIZ (UYKI-Non-standard) BIO NANO CONSULTING (BION-Non-standard)
Chemistry for preparatory year students
(2010) (ISBN:978-603-8001-63-9)
General Chemistry laboratory (I) (2010)
Introduction to Laboratory Safety (2009)
University Chemistry (2009)
Notes in Fundamental Chemistry (2008)
v المؤتمر الثاني للعلوم – جامعه الزقازيق- بنها 1999 م والمشاركة ببحث بعنوان:Thermal Decomposition of Zinc Acetate Dihydrate
v مؤتمر ابن سيناء الدولي الثامن للكيمياء – الأقصر (جامعه أسيوط) – كليه العلوم-قسم الكيمياء 16-19/ 2002 م ومشارك ببحث بعنوان: Solvolysis Rates of Chloramin Chloramine-B and N-Chlorosuccinimide in Alcohol-Water Solution "
v المؤتمر
الدولي السابع عن الكيمياء ودورها في التنمية- شرم الشيخ (جامعه المنصورة)
كليه العلوم – قسم الكيمياء 14-17 أبريل2003 ومشارك ببحث بعنوان: Physico-Chemical Studies And Corrosion Inhibitor On Oligomar Of Semicarbazide-Phethalic Acid (Oscpa) With Transition Metal
v المؤتمر
الذي عقد بجامعه القاهرة بكلية العلوم -قسم الكيمياء مابين1-4/3/2004 تحت
عنوان الكيمياء لمستقبل أفضل وقد تمت المشاركة ببحث بعنوان: Synthesis, potentiometric and thermal studies of some sulpha polymeric complex
v حضور
ورشه العمل التي عقدت بالمركز القومي للبحوث بجمهوريه مصر العربية-
القاهرة بعنوان تقييم آثار تلوث البيئة بالمعادن في الفترة من 19-1/2002
إلى 23-1/2002
v المشاركة
في ورشه العمل التي أقيمت في جامعه الشارقة في الفترة من13-15/12/2004 تحت
عنوان الاتجاهات الحديثة في كيمياء الحفز وقد تم تقديم بحث فيها بعنوان: Effect of Li2O doping on surface and catalytic properties of CuO/ Co3O4 solids .تأثير إضافة أكسيد الليثيوم على الخواص الحفزيه لمخلوط أكسيد النحاس والكوبلت الصلبة
v المشاركة
في مؤتمر ومعرض الحوافز لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الذي عقد في دولة
الكويت تحت إدارة الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب في الفترة
من10-12/12/2006 حيث تم المشاركة ببحث بعنوان: تأثير الأشابة بأكسيد
الزركونيوم علي الخواص السطحية والحفزية لنظام أكسيد النحاس/الومينا Effect of doping with ZrO2 on the Surface and Catalytic Properties of CuO/ Al2O3 System
v حضور
ورشه العمل التي أقيمة بالمركز الوطني للقياس و التقويم في التعليم
العالي التي عقدت في 8/4/ 1426 بمدينه الرياض – المملكة العربية السعودية
v الحصول على المنحة الأمريكية Fullbright
للعام 1996 لمده ثلاثة شهور بجامعه ميسوري - كولومبيا بالولايات الأمريكية
حيث قضينا هذه الفترة لعمل أبحاث بالجامعة خلال فترت الصيف
v ورشه إدارة المخلفات الكيماوية الخطرة المنعقد بجامعه البحرين بالمنامة في الفترة من 12-31/5/1428 هـ
v ورشه
العمل بعنوان أبحاث الناتو في الجامعات الطريق نحو تحقيق رؤية خادم
الحرمين الشريفين المنعقد بجامعه الملك سعود من 16-17 شوال 1428
v مشارك بالحضور (مستمع) فى المؤتمر السعودي الأول للعلوم – جامعه الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن 9-11/4/2001
v حضور المؤتمر الثاني للعلوم –جامعه الملك عبد العزيز 30-1/2005
v المؤتمر
الثالث لشعبه بحوث الصناعات الصيدلية والدوائية تحت شعار البحوث والتطوير
فى مجال الواء المنعقد بالمركز القومي للبحوث بالقاهرة مابين 6-8-3/2007
حضور فقط بدعوة شخصيه
v المؤتمر السعودي الثالث للعلوم آفاق جديدة في العلوم وتطبيقاتها المنعقد بجامعه الملك سعود كليه العلوم للفترة 20-23/2/1428.
v المؤتمر الدولي فى تقنيه النانو بجامعه الملك عبدالعزيز فى الفتره 17-19/6/2008 والمشاركه ببحثين:
أ- تعديل الخواص السطحيه والحفزيه لحفازات النحاس النانونيه التركيب المستخدمه فى تحضير الميثانول
ب- التعديل الكيميائي لانابيب الكربون النانونيه بأستخدام عوامل اكسده مختلفه
v مؤتمر
طيبه الدولي –المدينه المنوره في الفتره 15-23 /3/2009 والمشاركه ببحث
بعنوان دراسات حركيه وثيرموديناميكيه على محلول 2-3-ثنائي كلوروالفينول
باستخدام انابيب الكربون النانونيه.
v مؤتمر
الجرافين ببروكسل- بلجيكا 2012 في الفتره من 10- 13ابريل والمشاركه ببحث
بعنوان هيدروكسات ثنائيه الطبقات المحمله على اكسيد الجرافين للتخلص من
ثاني اكسيد الكربون
v مؤتمر الوقود المصطنع بميونخ- المانيا في الفتره 29-30 /2012 والمشاركه ببحث بعنوان دراسات حركيه تحويل الكحولات على أسطح بلورات ال SAPO-34 بأستخدام تقنيات الطيف الميكرئي أثناء عمليه التحويل.
v دورة في تطبيق الخطة الاستراتجية لجامعة الملك عبدالعيزيز في الفترة من 27- 29 شهر 6 من عام 1432
v ورشة عمل بعنوان دعم العمل في استخدام برنامج مارز الاستراتيجي لتطبيق نماذج الخطة الاستراتجية في الفترة 30-10-1432
v دوره مقدمه من مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجيه بعنوان مفاهيم ومراحل التخطيط الاستراتيجي 17/12/2012
قائمة بالمشاريع البحثية المدعمة من داخل و خارج الجامعة
v Synthesis and
Characterization of Polymer Complexes of 5-vinyl Salicylidene Anthranilic acid
(VSA) with some Transition Metal Ions, ( 2005).
v Synthesis and
Thermal Behavior Studies of some New Polymers and their Metal Complexes and Its
Application as Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution(MS/6/44),
v Effect of Some
Organic Surfactants on Electrodeposition of Nickel from Nickel Chloride
Solutions(MS/7/59), ( 2007).
v Preparation of
some Derivatives Polyalkylenepolyamine Oligomers, (2007 – 2008).
v Passivation of
Stainless Steel by Coating with Pply (o-phenylenediamine (PoPD)(MS/8/67), (
v Synthesis,
Characterization of Metal Oxides Nanoparticles and Their Reaction with
Biologically Active Compounds in Presence and Absence of Surfactants, (2007 –
v Modification of
Surface and Catalytic Properties of Cu – nanoparticle Catalysts used in
Methanol Synthesis and Steam Reforming. Funded by SABIC (2007 – 2008).
v Modification of
the Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of NiCuZn Ferrites
Nanocrystalline, (2007).
v Preparation and
Characterization of Metal oxides nano particles and study their reactions with
bioactive compounds in the presence and absence of colloidal fibres surfactants
(N157/427) (2007-2008)
v Removal of
Persistence Organic Compounds Chemically modified Using Carbon Nanotubes
(N158/427) (2008-2009)
v Modification and
Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application for Remediation of
the Environemnt, (2007 – 2009).
v Structural, magnetic and electrical properties of
substituted NiCuZn ferrite nanocrystalline(N153/427)2009-1010
v Texture and
catalytic activity measurement on friendly environmental silver and copper
substituted solid acid catalysts (3/87/429)2009-2010
v Low-temperature sintering method for preparation of NiCuZn ferrite and effect of Cr substitution on its
electromagnetic properties.(MS/9/7)2010-2011
v Magnetic properties of NiCuZn ferrite nanoparticles
synthesized at low temperature through a novel method using egg white
v Role of
surfactants-polymer interactions in corrosion inhibition.(3/71/430)2011
v Physicochemical
studies of the polymer-surfactant and metal nanoparticles- surfactant
interaction with or without additives: implications in nanotechnology.(MS/10/6)
v Chemical
Modification of PVC Waste and their Applications as Ion Exchangers
(MS/10/6) (2011)
v Green Synthesis
of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Antibacterial Activity (MS/12/176) 2012
v Nanocatalysts
for wastewater treatment; funded by KAU (T-81/429) (2010-2011) with BNC-London.
v Nanocatalysts
for the synthesis of fine chemicals; by KAU (T-80/429) (2010-2011) with
v New Catalytic
Routes and Porous Catalyst Materials for the Synthesis of Light Olefins from
Alcohols derived from Natural Gas, Coal and Biomass; funded by KAU (2011-2013)
with UU-Netherlands
v Studies on
Gemini Surfactants in the Presence of Additives using Viscosity and DLS
Techniques(328/130/432) (2011-2012)
v Preparation and
Characterization of Poly[(butylene succinate)-co-adipate] Nanocomposites with
Controlled Mechanical Properties(Gr/34/1)
v Acidic and/or
basic Zeolite-Membranes for Separation and Catalytic Processes, funded by
KAU(2012-2015) with FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg- Germany
v Supramolecular
Assembly with Urea Derivatives and Coordination Network Assembly
involving Argentophilic Interactions,( 27/3/1432HiCi).
v Measurements of
Surface Tension and Catalytic Activity from Environmentally Friendly Catalysts
Prepared from Solid Metals Replaced from Silver and Copper (3/087/429).
v Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Enhancing the Performance of Non- Platinum Metal
Catalysts (NPMCs) using Carbon support(s), Funded by KAU with Autonoma
University, ICP, CSIS, Madrid, Spain.
قائمة الأبحاث المنشوره
- Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Interaction of CTAB capped gold@iron bimetallic nanomaterials with bovine serum albumin: A multi-technique approach (2020) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 310, art. no. 113013.
- Khabeeri, O.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.Effects of ionic surfactants on the nucleation and growth of cyanidin 3,5-di-O-glucoside capped zerovalent iron nanoparticles (2020) Colloids and Interface Science Communications, 37, art. no. 100272.
- Albeladi, A.B., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.Effect of CTAB on the surface resonance plasmon intensity of silver nanoparticles: Stability and oxidative dissolution(2020) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 302, art. no. 112565.
- Rahisuddin, AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z., Manzoor, N.Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antibacterial and antifungal activities towards Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacterial strains and different species of Candida fungus (2020) Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38 (9), 9 p.
- Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A., Khan, Z., AL-Thabaiti, S.A.Green synthesis of biogenic silver nanomaterials using Raphanus sativus extract, effects of stabilizers on the morphology, and their antimicrobial activities (2020) Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38 (12), 20 p.
- Wani, F.A., Behera, K., Padder, R.A., Husain, M., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, N.S., Ahmad, R., Patel, R.Micellization, anti-proliferative activity and binding study of cationic gemini surfactants with calf thymus DNA(2020) Colloids and Interface Science Communications, 34, art. no. 100221.
- Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Biogenic silver nanoparticles: Green synthesis, encapsulation, thermal stability and antimicrobial activities(2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 289, art. no. 111102.
- Reuß, S., Reif, B., Sanwald, D., Schwieger, W., Kaspereit, M., Singh, P.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Mokhtar, M., Obaid, A.Y., Alyoubi, A.O.Sequential Template Decomposition to Adjust the Performance of Imperfect Zeolite BEA Membranes (2019) Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 91 (7), pp. 953-960.
- Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z., Malik, M.A.Bimetallic Ag-Ni nanoparticles as an effective catalyst for hydrogen generation from hydrolysis of sodium borohydride(2019) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (31), pp. 16452-16466.
- Alruqi, S.S., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.Iron-nickel bimetallic nanoparticles: Surfactant assisted synthesis and their catalytic activities (2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 282, pp. 448-455.
- Khan, Z., Al-Zahrani, S.A., AlSulami, Q.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Arjan, W.S.Effects of shape-controlling cationic and anionic surfactants on the morphology and surface resonance plasmon intensity of silver@copper bimetallic nanoparticles(2019) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 275, pp. 354-363.
- Malik, M.A., Khan, S.A., Al-thabaiti, S.A.Bioactive Macrocyclic Ni(II) Metal Complex: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Elucidation, and Antimicrobial Studies(2019) Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
- Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Micellization and aggregation behavior of crocin with bovine serum albumin: A biophysical study (2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 264, pp. 17-23.
- Khan, M.N., Bashir, O., Khan, T.A., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.CTAB capped synthesis of bio-conjugated silver nanoparticles and their enhanced catalytic activities (2018) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 258, pp. 133-141.
- Alruqi, S.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Malik, M.A., Khan, Z.Role of surfactants: One step facile synthesis of hetero structured Ag-Ni alloy by seed less approach(2018) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 540, pp. 36-47.
- Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Green synthesis of zero-valent Fe-nanoparticles: Catalytic degradation of rhodamine B, interactions with bovine serum albumin and their enhanced antimicrobial activities(2018) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 180, pp. 259-267.
- Shete, M., Kumar, M., Kim, D., Rangnekar, N., Xu, D., Topuz, B., Agrawal, K.V., Karapetrova, E., Stottrup, B., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S., Narasimharao, K., Rimer, J.D., Tsapatsis, M.Corrigendum to: Nanoscale Control of Homoepitaxial Growth on a Two-Dimensional Zeolite (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2017), 56, 2, (535-539), 10.1002/anie.201607063)
(2018) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57 (4), p. 870.
- Alzahrani, S.A., Malik, M.A., Ahmed Al-Thabaiti, S., Khan, Z.Seedless synthesis and efficient recyclable catalytic activity of Ag@Fe nanocomposites towards methyl orange(2018) Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland), 8 (3), pp. 255-271.
- Reuss, S., Sanwald, D., Sch lein, M., Schwieger, W., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S.N.Supported zeolite beta layers via an organic template-free preparation route(2018) Molecules, 23 (1), art. no. 220.
- Khan, Z., Bashir, O., Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Cationic surfactant assisted morphology of Ag@Cu, and their catalytic reductive degradation of Rhodamine B(2017) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 248, pp. 1096-1108.
- Bashir, O., Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A., Khan, Z., AL-Thabaiti, S.A.Influence of stabilizing agents on the microstructure of Co-nanoparticles for removal of Congo red(2017) Environmental Technology and Innovation, 8, pp. 327-342.
- Borodina, E., Sharbini Harun Kamaluddin, H., Meirer, F., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Ruiz-Martinez, J., Weckhuysen, B.M.Influence of the Reaction Temperature on the Nature of the Active and Deactivating Species during Methanol-to-Olefins Conversion over H-SAPO-34(2017) ACS Catalysis, 7 (8), pp. 5268-5281.
- Alzahrani, S.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Arjan, W.S., Malik, M.A., Khan, Z.Preparation of ultra long α-MnO2 and Ag@MnO2 nanoparticles by seedless approach and their photocatalytic performance(2017) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1137, pp. 495-505.
- Khan, M.N., Bashir, O., Khan, T.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.Catalytic Activity of Cobalt Nanoparticles for Dye and 4-Nitro Phenol Degradation: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study(2017) International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 49 (6), pp. 438-454.
- Khan, Z., Hussain, J.I., Hashmi, A.A., AL-Thabaiti, S.A.Preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aniline(2017) Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10, pp. S1506-S1511.
- Khan, Z., Malik, M.A., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Alshehri, A., Nabi, F. Micellization and thermodynamic properties of cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide in non-aqueous mixture of lauric acid (2017) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12 (5), pp. 4528-4542.
- Jeon, M.Y., Kim, D., Kumar, P., Lee, P.S., Rangnekar, N., Bai, P., Shete, M., Elyassi, B., Lee, H.S., Narasimharao, K., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S., Xu, W., Cho, H.J., Fetisov, E.O., Thyagarajan, R., Dejaco, R.F., Fan, W., Mkhoyan, K.A., Siepmann, J.I., Tsapatsis, M.Ultra-selective high-flux membranes from directly synthesized zeolite nanosheets (2017) Nature, 543 (7647), pp. 690-694.
- Sathasivam, S., Williamson, B.A.D., Althabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Basahel, S.N., Mokhtar, M., Scanlon, D.O., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis and Optical Properties of Nb2O5 Thin Films with Hybrid Functional Theoretical Insight into the Band Structure and Band Gaps (2017) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9 (21), pp. 18031-18038.
- Sathasivam, S., Williamson, B.A.D., Kafizas, A., Althabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Basahel, S.N., Scanlon, D.O., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Computational and experimental study of Ta2O5 thin films (2017) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (1), pp. 202-210.
- Fageeh, O., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Abdel Salam, M. Kinetics and thermodynamics studies of the nitrate reduction using zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles supported on nanographene (2017) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 9 (3), pp. 338-347.
- Shahid, A., Ahmed, N.S., Saleh, T.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Schwieger, W., Mokhtar, M.Solvent-free biginelli reactions catalyzed by hierarchical zeolite utilizing a ball mill technique: A green sustainable process (2017) Catalysts, 7 (3), art. no. 84, .
- Chadwick, N.P., Kafizas, A., Quesada-Cabrera, R., Sotelo-Vazquez, C., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Basahel, S.N., Durrant, J.R., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Ultraviolet Radiation Induced Dopant Loss in a TiO2 Photocatalyst (2017) ACS Catalysis, 7 (2), pp. 1485-1490.
- AL-Thabaiti, N.S., Malik, M.A., Khan, Z. Protein interactions with silver nanoparticles: Green synthesis, and biophysical approach (2017) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 95, pp. 421-428.
- Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Al-Harbi, L.M., Khan, Z.Extracellular bio-synthesis of silver nanoparticles (2017) Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 10 (2), pp. 226-231.
- Alshehri, A., Malik, M.A., Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hasan, N. Biofabrication of Fe nanoparticles in aqueous extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa with enhanced photocatalytic activities (2017) RSC Advances, 7 (40), pp. 25149-25159.
- Shete, M., Kumar, M., Kim, D., Rangnekar, N., Xu, D., Topuz, B., Agrawal, K.V., Karapetrova, E., Stottrup, B., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S., Narasimharao, K., Rimer, J.D., Tsapatsis, M. Nanoscale Control of Homoepitaxial Growth on a Two-Dimensional Zeolite (2017) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56 (2), pp. 535-539.
- Chowdhury, A.D., Houben, K., Whiting, G.T., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Baldus, M., Weckhuysen, B.M.Initial Carbonâ“Carbon Bond Formation during the Early Stages of the Methanol-to-Olefin Process Proven by Zeolite-Trapped Acetate and Methyl Acetate (2016) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 55 (51), pp. 15840-15845.
- Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Malik, M.A., Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A. Cobalt@silver bimetallic nanoparticles: Solution based seedless surfactant assisted synthesis, optical properties, and morphology (2016) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 222, pp. 272-278.
- Yoo, J.E., Altomare, M., Mokhtar, M., Alshehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mazare, A., Schmuki, P.
Anodic TiO2 nanotube arrays directly grown on quartz glass used in front- and back-side irradiation configuration for photocatalytic H2 generation (2016) Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 213 (10), pp. 2733-2740.
- Menzel, R., Iruretagoyena, D., Wang, Y., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Shaffer, M.S.P.Graphene oxide/mixed metal oxide hybrid materials for enhanced adsorption desulfurization of liquid hydrocarbon fuels (2016) Fuel, 181, pp. 531-536.
- Pérez-Alonso, F.J., DomÃnguez, C., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Youbi, A.O., Abdel Salam, M., Alshehri, A.A., Retuerto, M., Peña, M.A., Rojas, S.Evidences of the presence of different types of active sites for the oxygen reduction reaction with Fe/N/C based catalysts (2016) Journal of Power Sources, 327, pp. 204-211.
- Khan, Z., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Bashir, O., Khan, T.A.Natural dye bolaform sugar-based surfactant: Self aggregation and mixed micellization with ionic surfactants (2016) Dyes and Pigments, 131, pp. 168-176.
- Yoo, J., Altomare, M., Mokhtar, M., Alshehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mazare, A., Schmuki, P.
Photocatalytic H2 Generation Using Dewetted Pt-Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes: Optimized Dewetting and Oxide Crystallization by a Multiple Annealing Process (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (29), pp. 15884-15892.
- Torrero, J., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Peña, M.A., DomÃnguez, C., Al-Youbi, A.O., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Alshehri, A.A., Rojas, S. In Situ Infrared Study of the Electrooxidation of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde in Acid Electrolyte (2016) ChemElectroChem, 3 (7), pp. 1072-1083.
- De Marco, M., Markoulidis, F., Menzel, R., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Shaffer, M.S.P.Cross-linked single-walled carbon nanotube aerogel electrodes: Via reductive coupling chemistry (2016) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (15), pp. 5385-5389.
- Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z., Al-Thubaiti, K.S., Nabi, A., Malik, M.A. Role of cationic gemini surfactants (m-s-m type) on the oxidation of d-glucose by permanganate (2016) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 216, pp. 538-544.
- Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Aazam, E.S., Khan, Z., Bashir, O.Aggregation of Congo red with surfactants and Ag-nanoparticles in an aqueous solution (2016) Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 156, pp. 28-35.
- Schwieger, W., Klumpp, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hartmann, M. Preparation Principles of Microporous Materials: From Building Blocks Towards Hierarchically Ordered Systems [Präparationsprinzipien mikroporöser Materialien: Vom building block zum hierarchisch aufgebauten porösen System] (2016) Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 88 (3), pp. 237-257.
- Elyassi, B., Jeon, M.Y., Tsapatsis, M., Narasimharao, K., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S. Ethanol/water mixture pervaporation performance of b-oriented silicalite-1 membranes made by gel-free secondary growth (2016) AIChE Journal, 62 (2), pp. 556-563.
- Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z. Unusual transient stabilization with stabilizers and morphology of Co-nanoparticles (2016) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 488, pp. 58-69.
Khan, Z., Ahmed Al-Thabaiti, S., Hussain, S.Nanoscale water soluble self-assembled zero-valent iron: Role of stabilizers in their morphology (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (9), pp. 7267-7278.
Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Malik, M.A.Biocompatible natural sugar-based surfactant assisted oxidation of citric acid by MnO4- in absence and presence of SDS (2016) RSC Advances, 6 (51), pp. 45993-46001.
Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Bashir, O. Natural sugar surfactant capped gold nano-disks: Aggregation, green synthesis and morphology (2016) Dyes and Pigments, 124, pp. 210-221.
Klumpp, M., Zeng, L., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Weber, A.P., Schwieger, W. Building concept inspired by raspberries: From microporous zeolite nanocrystals to hierarchically porous assemblies (2016) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 229, pp. 155-165.
Narasimharao, K., Shiekh, R.A., Malik, M.A., Said, M.A., Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, S.A.Design, spectroscopic characterization, electrical conductivity and molecular modelling studies of biologically puissant Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes of N,N'-bis(furan-2-ylmethyl)benzene-1,2-dicarboxamide (2016) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 11 (8), pp. 7282-7307.
Torrero, J., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Peña, M.A., DomÃnguez, C., Al-Youbi, A.O., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Alshehri, Ab.A., Rojas, S.Further insights on the electrooxidation of ethanol by in situ IRRAS in D2O electrolytes (2016) WHEC 2016 - 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, Proceedings, pp. 1006-1007.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Salam, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Peña, M.A., GarcÃa-GarcÃa, F.J., Barrio, L., Rojas, S. Repercussion of the carbon matrix for the activity and stability of Fe/N/C electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (2016) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 183, pp. 185-196.
Zhang, H., Xiao, Q., Guo, X., Li, N., Kumar, P., Rangnekar, N., Jeon, M.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Narasimharao, K., Basahel, S.N., Topuz, B., Onorato, F.J., Macosko, C.W., Mkhoyan, K.A., Tsapatsis, M. Cover Picture: Open-Pore Two-Dimensional MFI Zeolite Nanosheets for the Fabrication of Hydrocarbon-Isomer-Selective Membranes on Porous Polymer Supports (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 25/2016) (2016) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 55 (25), p. 7009.
Zhang, H., Xiao, Q., Guo, X., Li, N., Kumar, P., Rangnekar, N., Jeon, M.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Narasimharao, K., Basahel, S.N., Topuz, B., Onorato, F.J., Macosko, C.W., Mkhoyan, K.A., Tsapatsis, M.Open-Pore Two-Dimensional MFI Zeolite Nanosheets for the Fabrication of Hydrocarbon-Isomer-Selective Membranes on Porous Polymer Supports (2016) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 55 (25), pp. 7184-7187.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z., Hussain, S. Biogenic silver nanosols: Flavonol based green synthesis, and effects of stabilizers on their morphology (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 212, pp. 316-324.
Sathasivam, S., Bhachu, D.S., Lu, Y., Chadwick, N., Althabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Basahel, S.N., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Tungsten doped TiO 2 with enhanced photocatalytic and optoelectrical properties via aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (2015) Scientific Reports, 5, art. no. 10952.
Chadwick, N.P., Glover, E.N.K., Sathasivam, S., Basahel, S.N., Althabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Parkin, I.P., Carmalt, C.J. Photo-activity and low resistivity in N/Nb Co-doped TiO2 thin films by combinatorial AACVD (2015) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4 (2), pp. 407-415.
Chadwick, N.P., Sathasivam, S., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Althabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Parkin, I.P., Carmalt, C.J. The use of time resolved aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition in mapping metal oxide thin film growth and fine tuning functional properties (2015) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (9), pp. 4811-4819.
Salam, M.A., Fageeh, O., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y. Removal of nitrate ions from aqueous solution using zero-valent iron nanoparticles supported on high surface area nanographenes (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 212, pp. 708-715.
Parrey, I.R., Hashmi, A.A., Swami, B.L., AL-Thabaiti, S.A. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of Schiff base Cu (II) metal complex (2015) Iranian Journal of Catalysis, 5 (1), pp. 89-95.
Salazar, R., Altomare, M., Lee, K., Tripathy, J., Kirchgeorg, R., Nguyen, N.T., Mokhtar, M., Alshehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Schmuki, P.Use of Anodic TiO2 Nanotube Layers as Mesoporous Scaffolds for Fabricating CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite-Based Solid-State Solar Cells (2015) ChemElectroChem, 2 (6), pp. 824-828.
Khan, M.N., Khan, T.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z. Spectrophotometric evidence to the formation of AuCl4-CTA complex and synthesis of gold nano-flowers with tailored surface textures(2015) Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 149, pp. 889-897.
Mohammadpour, F., Altomare, M., So, S., Lee, K., Mokhtar, M., Alshehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Schmuki, P.High-temperature annealing of TiO2 nanotube membranes for efficient dye-sensitized solar cells (2015) Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31 (1), art. no. 014010, .
Narasimharao, K., Al-Shehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S. Porous Ag-Fe2O3 nanocomposite catalysts for the oxidation of carbon monoxide (2015) Applied Catalysis A: General, 505, pp. 431-440.
AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z., Bashir, O., Hussain, S. Cu nanoparticles: synthesis, crystallographic characterization, and stability (2015) Colloid and Polymer Science, 293 (9), pp. 2543-2554.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z., Hussain, S., Bashir, O. Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the morphology of self assembled water soluble MnO2 nano-composites (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 207, pp. 200-205.
Singh, U., Dar, M.M., Anayutullah, S., Alam, H., Manzoor, N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hashmi, A.A. Design and synthesis of Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes of a dendrimeric chelate: Promising anticandidal potential of chelotherapeutic agents (2015) Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 68 (12), pp. 2096-2106
Purova, R., Narasimharao, K., Ahmed, N.S.I., Al-Thabaiti, S., Al-Shehri, A., Mokhtar, M., Schwieger, W. Pillared HMCM-36 zeolite catalyst for biodiesel production by esterification of palmitic acid (2015) Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 406, pp. 159-167.
Hwang, I., So, S., Mokhtar, M., Alshehri, A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mazare, A., Schmuki, P. Single-walled TiO2 nanotubes: Enhanced carrier-transport properties by TiCl4 treatment (2015) Chemistry - A European Journal, 21 (25), pp. 9204-9208.
Agrawal, K.V., Topuz, B., Pham, T.C.T., Nguyen, T.H., Sauer, N., Rangnekar, N., Zhang, H., Narasimharao, K., Basahel, S.N., Francis, L.F., Macosko, C.W., Al-Thabaiti, S., Tsapatsis, M., Yoon, K.B. Oriented MFI membranes by gel-less secondary growth of sub-100 nm MFI-nanosheet seed layers (2015) Advanced Materials, 27 (21), pp. 3243-3249.
Rangnekar, N., Shete, M., Agrawal, K.V., Topuz, B., Kumar, P., Guo, Q., Ismail, I., Alyoubi, A., Basahel, S., Narasimharao, K., Macosko, C.W., Mkhoyan, K.A., Al-Thabaiti, S., Stottrup, B., Tsapatsis, M.2D zeolite coatings: Langmuir-Schaefer deposition of 3 nm thick MFI zeolite nanosheets (2015) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 54 (22), pp. 6571-6575.
Su, K., Jiang, F., Qian, J., Chen, L., Pang, J., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.Stepwise construction of extra-large heterometallic calixarene-based cages (2015) Inorganic Chemistry, 54 (7), pp. 3183-3188.
Bashir, O., Hussain, S., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z. Synthesis, optical properties, stability, and encapsulation of Cu-nanoparticles (2015) Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 140, pp. 265-273.
Marthala, V.R.R., Friedrich, M., Zhou, Z., Distaso, M., Reuss, S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Peukert, W., Schwieger, W., Hartmann, M. Zeolite-coated porous arrays: A novel strategy for enzyme encapsulation (2015) Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (12), pp. 1832-1836.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Sinha Ray, S., Basahel, S.N., Mokhtar, M. Viscoelastic properties of poly[(butylene succinate)-co-adipate] nanocomposites (2015) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 (3), art. no. A55, pp. 2312-2316.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Obaid, A.Y., Alyoubi, A.O., Gómez De La Fuente, J.L., Rojas, S.Effect of N and S co-doping of multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction (2015) Electrochimica Acta, 157, pp. 158-165.
Celaya-Sanfiz, A., Morales-Vega, N., De Marco, M., Iruretagoyena, D., Mokhtar, M., Bawaked, S.M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Shaffer, M.S.P. Self-condensation of acetone over Mg-Al layered double hydroxide supported on multi-walled carbon nanotube catalysts (2015) Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 398, pp. 50-57.
Su, K., Jiang, F., Qian, J., Pang, J., Hu, F., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M. Bridging different Co4-calix[4]arene building blocks into grids, cages and 2D polymers with chiral camphoric acid (2015) CrystEngComm, 17 (8), pp. 1750-1753.
Borodina, E., Meirer, F., Lezcano-González, I., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Ruiz-Martinez, J., Weckhuysen, B.M. Influence of the reaction temperature on the nature of the active and deactivating species during methanol to olefins conversion over H-SSZ-13 (2015) ACS Catalysis, 5 (2), pp. 992-1003.
Basahel, S.N., Lee, K., Hahn, R., Schmuki, P., Bawaked, S.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Erratum: Self-decoration of Pt metal particles on TiO2 nanotubes used for highly efficient photocatalytic H2 production (Chem. Commun. (2014) 50 (6123-6125) DOI:10.1039/c4cc90481h) (2015) Chemical Communications, 51 (5), p. 960.
Menzel, R., Barg, S., Miranda, M., Anthony, D.B., Dr., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Saiz, E., Shaffer, M.S.P.Joule heating characteristics of emulsion-templated graphene aerogels (2015) Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (1), pp. 28-35.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Ray, S.S., Basahel, S.N., Mokhtar, M. Multifunctional nanobiocomposite of poly [(butylene succinate)-co-adipate] and clay (2015) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 (3), pp. 2446-2450.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Hussain, S., Khan, Z. Shape-directing role of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the morphology of extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles (2015) Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 8 (4), pp. 538-544.
Nabi, F., Yau, C.K., Jesudason, C.G., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. Densities, Refractive Indices and Ultrasonic Speeds of N,N-dimethylformamide + Acetone Binary Mixtures at Different Temperatures (2015) Chemical Engineering Communications, 202 (7), pp. 885-891.
Nabi, F., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Koon, Y.C., Jesudason, C.G. Excess molar volumes, theoretical viscosities and ultrasonic speeds of binary mixtures at 298.15 K and 303.15 K (2015) Asian Journal of Chemistry, 27 (5), pp. 1815-1822.
Ding, W., Klumpp, M., Lee, S., Reuß, S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Pfeifer, P., Schwieger, W., Dittmeyer, R.Simulation of one-stage dimethyl ether synthesis over a core-shell catalyst (2015) Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 87 (6), pp. 702-712.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Salam, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Peña, M.A., Barrio, L., Rojas, S. Effect of the N content of Fe/N/graphene catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media (2015) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (48), pp. 24487-24494.
Su, K., Jiang, F., Qian, J., Pang, J., Hu, F., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.Synthesis and characterization of decanuclear Ln(III) cluster of mixed calix[8]arene-phosphonate ligands (Ln = Pr, Nd)(2015) Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 54, pp. 34-37.
Ali, T.T., Narasimharao, K., Parkin, I.P., Carmalt, C.J., Sathasivam, S., Basahel, S.N., Bawaked, S.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Effect of pretreatment temperature on the photocatalytic activity of microwave irradiated porous nanocrystalline ZnO (2015) New Journal of Chemistry, 39 (1), pp. 321-332.
Sathasivam, S., Bhachu, D.S., Lu, Y., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Highly photocatalytically active iron(III) titanium oxide thin films via aerosol-assisted CVD (2015) Chemical Vapor Deposition, 21 (1-3), pp. 21-25.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Abdel Salam, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Alshehri, A.A., Gómez de la Fuente, J.L., Fierro, J.L.G., Rojas, S. On the relationship between N content, textural properties and catalytic performance for the oxygen reduction reaction of N/CNT (2015) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 162, pp. 420-429.
Wu, M., Jiang, F., Yuan, D., Pang, J., Qian, J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.Polymeric double-anion templated Er48 nanotubes (2014) Chemical Communications, 50 (9), pp. 1113-1115.
Su, K., Jiang, F., Qian, J., Pang, J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Chen, Q., Hong, M.Alkali-metal-templated assembly of two high-nuclearity cobalt clusters based on thiacalix[4]arene (2014) Crystal Growth and Design, 14 (11), pp. 5865-5870.
Pan, J., Jiang, F.-L., Wu, M.-Y., Chen, L., Gai, Y.-L., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.-C. A series of d10metal clusters constructed by 2,6-Bis[3-(pyrazin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazolyl]pyridine: Crystal structures and unusual luminescences (2014) Crystal Growth and Design, 14 (10), pp. 5011-5018.
Ali, T.T., Narasimharao, K., Ahmed, N.S., Basahel, S., Al-Thabaiti, S., Mokhtar, M.Nanosized iron and nickel oxide zirconia supported catalysts for benzylation of benzene: Role of metal oxide support interaction (2014) Applied Catalysis A: General, 486, pp. 19-31.
Bawaked, S.M., Sathasivam, S., Bhachu, D.S., Chadwick, N., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition of conductive and photocatalytically active tantalum doped titanium dioxide films (2014) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (32), pp. 12849-12856.
Bhachu, D.S., Sathasivam, S., Sankar, G., Scanlon, D.O., Cibin, G., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P., Watson, G.W., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N. Solution processing route to multifunctional titania thin films: Highly conductive and photcatalytically active Nb:TiO2 (2014) Advanced Functional Materials, 24 (32), pp. 5075-5085.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Gómez De La Fuente, J.L., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Alyoubi, A.O., Alshehri, A.A., Peña, M.A., Rojas, S. Influence of the electrolyte for the oxygen reduction reaction with Fe/N/C and Fe/N/CNT electrocatalysts (2014) Journal of Power Sources, 271, pp. 87-96.
Bashir, O., Hussain, S., Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Encapsulation of silver nanocomposites and effects of stabilizers (2014) Carbohydrate Polymers, 107 (1), pp. 167-173.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hahn, R., Liu, N., Kirchgeorg, R., So, S., Schmuki, P., Basahel, S.N., Bawaked, S.M.NH3treatment of TiO2nanotubes: From N-doping to semimetallic conductivity (2014) Chemical Communications, 50 (59), pp. 7960-7963.
Wan, C.-Q., Li, A.-M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mosslamy, E.-S.H., Mak, T.C.W.Efficient solvent-controlled crystallization of pure polymorphs of 1-nitro-4-(4-nitrophenylmethylthio)benzene (2014) CrystEngComm, 16 (38), pp. 8960-8968.
Su, K., Jiang, F., Qian, J., Gai, Y., Wu, M., Bawaked, S.M., Mokhtar, M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.Generalized synthesis of calixarene-based high-nuclearity M4 n nanocages (M = Ni or Co; N = 2-6)(2014) Crystal Growth and Design, 14 (6), pp. 3116-3123.
Basahel, S.N., Lee, K., Hahn, R., Schmuki, P., Bawaked, S.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Self-decoration of Pt metal particles on TiO2 nanotubes used for highly efficient photocatalytic H2 production (2014) Chemical Communications, 50 (46), pp. 6123-6125.
Qian, Q., Ruiz-MartÃnez, J., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Weckhuysen, B.M.Single-catalyst particle spectroscopy of alcohol-to-olefins conversions: Comparison between SAPO-34 and SSZ-13(2014) Catalysis Today, 226, pp. 14-24.
Chadwick, N., Sathasivam, S., Kafizas, A., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N., Parkin, I.P., Carmalt, C.J. Combinatorial aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of a photocatalytic mixed SnO2/TiO2 thin film (2014) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (14), pp. 5108-5116.
Malik, M.A., Wani, M.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Shiekh, R.A.Tetrazoles as carboxylic acid isosteres: Chemistry and biology (2014) Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 78 (1-4), pp. 15-37.
Narasimharao, K., Malik, M.A., Mokhtar, M.M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Iron oxide supported sulfated TiO2 nanotube catalysts for NO reduction with propane (2014) Ceramics International, 40 (3), pp. 4039-4053.
DomÃnguez, C., Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Abdel Salam, M., Gómez De La Fuente, J.L., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Peña, M.A., Fierro, J.L.G., Rojas, S.Effect of transition metal (M: Fe, Co or Mn) for the oxygen reduction reaction with non-precious metal catalysts in acid medium (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (10), pp. 5309-5318.
Bandyopadhyay, J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Ray, S.S., Bousmina, M.Viscoelastic and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes filled poly(butylene succinate)(2014) International Polymer Processing, 29 (1), pp. 88-94.
Qian, Q., Ruiz-MartÃnez, J., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Weckhuysen, B.M.Single-particle spectroscopy of alcohol-to-olefins over SAPO-34 at different reaction stages: Crystal accessibility and hydrocarbons reactivity(2014) ChemCatChem, 6 (3), pp. 772-783.
Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Narasimharao, K., Ahmed, N.S., Mokhtar, M.Nanostructured mg-al hydrotalcite as catalyst for fine chemical synthesis (2014) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14 (2), pp. 1931-1946.
Obaid, A.Y., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Hallag, I.S., Hermas, A.A., Asiri, A.M.
Electrodeposition and characterization of polyaniline on stainless steel surface via cyclic, convolutive voltammetry and SEM in aqueous acidic solutions (2014) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9 (2), pp. 1003-1015.
Hussain, S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z. Surfactant-assisted bio-conjugated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) (2014) Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 37 (9), pp. 1727-1735.
Hussain, S., Bashir, O., Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. Steroidal saponin based extracellular biosynthesis of AgNPs (2014) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 199, pp. 489-494.
Nabi, F., Malik, M.A., Jesudason, C.G., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. A review of molecular interactions in organic binary mixtures(2014) Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 (9), pp. 1505-1517.
Bandyopadhyay, J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Ray, S.S., Basahel, S.N., Mokhtar, M. Unique cold-crystallization behavior and kinetics of biodegradable poly[(butylene succinate)-co adipate] nanocomposites: A high speed differential scanning calorimetry study(2014) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 299 (8), pp. 939-952.
Narasimharao, K., Babu, B.H., Lingaiah, N., Prasad, P.S.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Ammoxidation of 2-methyl pyrazine on supported ammonium salt of 12-molybdophosphoric acid catalysts: The influence of nature of support (2014) Journal of Chemical Sciences, 126 (2), pp. 487-498.
Shiekh, R.A., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Wani, M.Y., Nabi, A. Microwave assisted synthesis, spectral and antifungal studies of 2-phenyl-N,N'-bis(pyridin-4-ylcarbonyl)butanediamide ligand and its metal complexes(2014) The Scientific World Journal, 2014, art. no. 404617, .
Qian, Q., Vogt, C., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Ruiz-MartÃnez, J., Weckhuysen, B.M.Combined operando UV/Vis/IR spectroscopy reveals the role of methoxy and aromatic species during the methanol-to-olefins reaction over H-SAPO-34 (2014) ChemCatChem, 6 (12), pp. 3396-3408.
Sathasivam, S., Kafizas, A., Ponja, S., Chadwick, N., Bhachu, D.S., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Combinatorial atmospheric pressure CVD of a composite TiO 2/SnO2 thin film (2014) Chemical Vapor Deposition, 20 (1-3), pp. 69-79.
Shan, X.-C., Jiang, F.-L., Zhang, H.-B., Qian, X.-Y., Chen, L., Wu, M.-Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.-C.A solid AND logic stimuli-responsive material with bright nondestructive performance designed by sensitive cuprophilicity (2013) Chemical Communications, 49 (87), pp. 10227-10229.
Wan, C.-Q., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Chen, X.-D., Mak, T.C.W. Synthesis and supramolecular architectures of dinuclear metallacyclic Silver(I) and Zigzag-Chain Copper(II) complexes bearing 2,6-pyridinediylbis(3- pyridinyl)methanone (2013) European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (30), pp. 5265-5273.
Narasimharao, K., Al-Sabban, E., Saleh, T.S., Gallastegui, A.G., Sanfiz, A.C., Basahel, S., Al-Thabaiti, S., Alyoubi, A., Obaid, A., Mokhtar, M. Microwave assisted efficient protocol for the classic Ullmann homocoupling reaction using Cu-Mg-Al hydrotalcite catalysts (2013) Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 379, pp. 152-162.
Qian, Q., Ruiz-MartÃnez, J., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Van Der Bij, H.E., Kornatowski, J., Weckhuysen, B.M. Single-particle spectroscopy on large SAPO-34 crystals at work: Methanol-to-olefin versus ethanol-to-olefin processes (2013) Chemistry - A European Journal, 19 (34), pp. 11204-11215.
Shiekh, R.A., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Shiekh, M.A. Chitosan as a novel edible coating for fresh fruits (2013) Food Science and Technology Research, 19 (2), pp. 139-155.
Mohamed, R.M., Mkhalid, I.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mokhtar, M. Nano Cu metal doped on TiO2-SiO2 nanoparticle catalysts in photocatalytic degradation of direct blue dye (2013) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (7), pp. 4975-4980.
Wu, M., Jiang, F., Kong, X., Yuan, D., Long, L., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.Two polymeric 36-metal pure lanthanide nanosize clusters (2013) Chemical Science, 4 (8), pp. 3104-3109.
Gai, Y.-L., Jiang, F.-L., Chen, L., Bu, Y., Su, K.-Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hong, M.-C. Photophysical studies of europium coordination polymers based on a tetracarboxylate ligand (2013) Inorganic Chemistry, 52 (13), pp. 7658-7665.
Shiekh, R.A., Rahman, I.A., Malik, M.A., Luddin, N., Masudi, S.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. Transition metal complexes with mixed nitrogen-sulphur (N-S) donor macrocyclic schiff base ligand: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and antimicrobial studies (2013) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8 (5), pp. 6972-6987.
Wilkinson, M., Kafizas, A., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Carmalt, C.J., Parkin, I.P. Combinatorial atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition of graded TiO2-VO2 mixed-phase composites and their dual functional property as self-cleaning and photochromic window coatings (2013) ACS Combinatorial Science, 15 (6), pp. 309-319.
Narasimharao, K., Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity of nitridated magnesium silicate catalysts (2013) Journal of Materials Science, 48 (12), pp. 4274-4283.
Sayari, A., El Mir, L., Al-Heniti, S., Shalaan, E., Yaghmour, S.J., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Ghamdi, A.A., Yakuphanoglu, F. Spectroscopic ellipsometric determination of optical properties of V-Al co-doped ZnO films by rf magnetron sputtering (2013) Journal of Electroceramics, 30 (4), pp. 221-227.
Ponja, S., Sathasivam, S., Chadwick, N., Kafizas, A., Bawaked, S.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S., Basahel, S.N., Parkin, I.P., Carmalt, C.J. Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of hydrophobic TiO 2-SnO2 composite film with novel microstructure and enhanced photocatalytic activity (2013) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (20), pp. 6271-6278.
Pérez-Alonso, F.J., Salam, M.A., Herranz, T., Gómez De La Fuente, J.L., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Basahel, S.N., Peña, M.A., Fierro, J.L.G., Rojas, S. Effect of carbon nanotube diameter for the synthesis of Fe/N/multiwall carbon nanotubes and repercussions for the oxygen reduction reaction (2013) Journal of Power Sources, 240, pp. 494-502.
Xie, Y.-P., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mokhtar, M., Mak, T.C.W. An unusual silver-ethynide polymeric chain containing centrosymmetric Ag14 cluster segments stabilized by mixed carboxylate ligands (2013) Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 31, pp. 54-57.
Wan, C.-Q., Li, A.-M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mak, T.C.W. Group 12 metal complexes of semirigid 2,6-pyridinediylbis(3-pyridinyl) methanone: Role of counteranions and solvent in product formation (2013) Crystal Growth and Design, 13 (5), pp. 1926-1936.
Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Hussain, J.I., Khan, Z. Effects of electrolytes and surfactants on the morphology and stability of advanced silver nano-materials 2013) Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (3), pp. 1137-1142.
Saleh, T.S., Narasimharao, K., Ahmed, N.S., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mokhtar, M. Mg-Al hydrotalcite as an efficient catalyst for microwave assisted regioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrilimines with the enaminone derivatives: A green protocol(2013) Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 367, pp. 12-22.
Khan, Z., Singh, T., Hussain, J.I., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H.Starch-directed green synthesis, characterization and morphology of silver nanoparticles (2013) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 102, pp. 578-584.
Xie, Y.-P., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Mak, T.C.W. High-nuclearity silver ethynide cluster encapsulating a template hexafluorosilicate ion (2013) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1048, pp. 121-123.
Malik, M.A., Nabi, F., Jesudason, C.G., Ahmed Al-Thabaiti, S.DFT calculations of vibrational frequencies of aluminum and phosphorous doped-carbon clusters (2013) Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (9), pp. 4735-4740.
Nabi, F., Jesudason, C.G., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Estimation of excess molar volumes, theoretical viscosities, and ultrasonic speeds of binary liquid mixtures at different temperatures
(2013) Chemical Engineering Communications, 200 (1), pp. 77-92.
Obaid, A.Y., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Qusti, A.H., Hermas, A.A. Inhibition of pitting corrosion of the stainless steel by dipyridinium salts (2013) Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (7), pp. 3781-3788.
Ganash, A.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hermas, A.A. Protection of stainless steel by the electrodeposition of polyaniline/poly(o-phenylenediamine) composite layers (2013) Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 17 (3), pp. 849-860.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Malik, M.A., Al-Youbi, A.A.O., Khan, Z., Hussain, J.I. Effects of surfactant and polymer on the morphology of advanced nanomaterials in aqueous solution (2013) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8 (1), pp. 204-218.
Garcia-Gallastegui, A., Iruretagoyena, D., Gouvea, V., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Chadwick, D., Shaffer, M.S.P. Graphene oxide as support for layered double hydroxides: Enhancing the CO2 adsorption capacity (2012) Chemistry of Materials, 24 (23), pp. 4531-4539.
Hermas, A.A., Al-Juaid, S.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Qusti, A.H., Abdel Salam, M. In situ electropolymerization of conducting polypyrrole/carbon nanotubes composites on stainless steel: Role of carbon nanotubes types (2012) Progress in Organic Coatings, 75 (4), pp. 404-410.
Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Youbi, A.O., Malik, M.A.
Kinetics of silver nanoparticle growth in aqueous polymer solutions. 1st Nano Update. (2012) Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 5 (4), pp. 453-459.
Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Malik, M.A.Synthesis, structure optimization and antifungal screening of novel tetrazole ring bearing acyl-hydrazones (2012) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13 (9), pp. 10880-10898.
Garcia-Gallastegui, A., Iruretagoyena, D., Mokhtar, M., Asiri, A.M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Chadwick, D., Shaffer, M.S.P. Layered double hydroxides supported on multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Preparation and CO 2 adsorption characteristics (2012) Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (28), pp. 13932-13940.
Akram, M., Altaf, M., Kabir-ud-Din, Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of colloidal MnO 2 by glycyl-leucine in the absence and presence of surfactants (2012) Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 16 (3), pp. 217-225.
Asiri, A.M., Faidallah, H.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Ng, S.W., Tiekink, E.R.T. 2-[(1-Methyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)methyl-idene]propane-dinitrile (2012) Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 68 (4), pp. o1170.
Asiri, A.M., Faidallah, H.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Ng, S.W., Tiekink, E.R.T. N-Acetyl-N-[2,4-dicyano-1-(4-meth-oxy-phen-yl)-9,10-dihydro-phenanthren-3- yl]acetamide (2012) Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 68 (4), pp. o1177-o1178.
Khan, Z., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z.A., Al-Youbi, A.A.O.Shape-directing role of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide in the preparation of silver nanoparticles (2012) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 367 (1), pp. 101-108.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z.A., Ahmad, T., Ghazali, A., Dinc, K.-U. Energetics of anionic surfactant-additive systems at the cloud point (2012) Colloid Journal, 74 (1), pp. 125-131.
Malik, M.A., Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Anticorrosion efficiency of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, sodium dodecyl sulfate and Tx-100 on carbon steel in acidic medium (2011) Science of Advanced Materials, 3 (6), pp. 912-918.
Ganash, A.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hermas, A.A.Comparison study for passivation of stainless steel by coating with polyaniline from two different acids (2011) Progress in Organic Coatings, 72 (3), pp. 480-485.
Khan, Z., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z.A., Al-Youbi, A.O.Effects of solvents on the stability and morphology of CTAB-stabilized silver nanoparticles (2011) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 390 (1-3), pp. 120-125.
Malik, M.A., Sheikh, R.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z.Micelles-assisted MnO-4 oxidation of isoleucine: A kinetic study(2011) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 32 (8), pp. 1173-1178.
Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Youbi, A.O., Khan, Z.Micellar and salt kinetic effects upon the reaction MnO4- + EDTA(2011) Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 15 (3), pp. 221-228.
Malik, M.A., Hashim, M.A., Nabi, F., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z.Anti-corrosion ability of surfactants: A review(2011) International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 6 (6), pp. 1927-1948.
Hussain, J.I., Talib, A., Kumar, S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Hashmi, A.A., Khan, Z.Time dependence of nucleation and growth of silver nanoparticles(2011) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 381 (1-3), pp. 23-30.
Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Youbi, A.O.Preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles by chemical reduction method(2011) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 82 (2), pp. 513-517.
Ahmad, N., Malik, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y., Khan, Z. Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide on the oxidation of phthalic acid by MnO4- in aqueous medium(2011) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 32 (1), pp. 35-40.
Mokhtar, M., Saleh, T.S., Ahmed, N.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Shareef, R.A.An eco-friendly N-sulfonylation of amines using stable and reusable Zn-Al-hydrotalcite solid base catalyst under ultrasound irradiation(2011) Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18 (1), pp. 172-176.
Khan, Z., Ahmed Al- Thabaiti, S., Yousif Obaid, A., Khan, Z.A. MnO2 nanostructures of different morphologies from amino acids-MnO4- reactions in aqueous solutions (2010) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 81 (1), pp. 381-384.
Salam, M.A., Mokhtar, M., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Obaid, A.Y. Removal of chlorophenol from aqueous solutions by multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Kinetic and thermodynamic studies (2010) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 500 (1), pp. 87-92.
Gabal, M.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Mokhtar, M.Structural, magnetic and electrical properties of Ga-substituted NiCuZn nanocrystalline ferrite (2010) Ceramics International, 36 (4), pp. 1339-1346.
Ali, T.T., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Alyoubi, A.O., Mokhtar, M. Copper substituted heteropolyacid catalysts for the selective dehydration of ethanol (2010) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 496 (1-2), pp. 553-559.
Khan, Z., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Obaid, A.Y. Studies on the kinetics of growth of silver nanoparticles in different surfactant solutions (2009) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 73 (2), pp. 284-288.
Malik, M.A., AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Khan, Z. Kinetics of oxidation of d-glucose by permanganate in aqueous solution of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (2009) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 337 (1-3), pp. 9-14.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., El-Mossalamy, E.H., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Khan, Z. Physico chemical studies for the formation of nanosize silver particles (2009) International Journal of Nanoparticles, 2 (1-6), pp. 39-45.
Hermas, A.-E.A., Salam, M.A., Al-Juaid, S.S., Al-Thabaiti, S.A. Electrochemical coating of stainless steel with multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyaniline composite layer (2009) International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 4 (1-4), pp. 166-174.
AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Youbi, A.O., Khan, Z. Formation and characterization of surfactant stabilized silver nanoparticles: A kinetic study (2008) Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 67 (2), pp. 230-237.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Youbi, A.O., Khan, Z. Formation and decomposition of water soluble colloidal manganese dioxide during the reduction of MnO4- by cysteine. A kinetic study (2008) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 29 (10), pp. 1391-1395.
AL-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Obaid, A.Y., Al-Youbi, A.O., Khan, Z.Formation, characterization and stabilization of water-soluble colloidal MnO2 in the oxidation of methionine, thiourea and thioacetamide by permanganate (2007) Colloid and Polymer Science, 285 (13), pp. 1479-1485.
Al-Newaiser, F.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Youbi, A.O., Obaid, A.Y., Gabal, M.A.Thermal decomposition kinetics of strontium oxalate(2007) Chemical Papers, 61 (5), pp. 370-375.
El-Mossalamy, E.-S.H., Al-Nowaiser, F.M., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Youbi, A.O., Baschel, S.N., Obaid, A.Y.Radiation polymerization of 4-(acryloylamido)benzonitrile: Zinc and copper complexes (2007) Monatshefte fur Chemie, 138 (9), pp. 853-857.
Gabal, M.A., Ata-Allah, S.S., Al-Youbi, A.O., Basahel, S.N., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Formation of LaFeO3 and thermal decomposition reactions in lanthanum(III) oxalate-iron(II) oxalate crystalline mixture (2006) Journal of Materials Science, 41 (22), pp. 7597-7603.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M.Molecular characterisation and corrosion studies of oligomer-transition metals complexes(2004) Pigment and Resin Technology, 33 (1), pp. 15-20.
El-Mossalamy, E.H., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Synthesis and Thermal Studies of Poly(N-acryloyl,Nâ²cyanoacetohydrazide) Complexes with Co(II), Fe(III), and Uo2(II) Ions(2003) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 90 (12), pp. 3354-3358.
El-Mossalamy, E.H., Al-Thabaiti, S.A.Potentiality and thermodynamic studies on Indazol Schiff bases with some metal ions(2003) Bulletin of Electrochemistry, 19 (6), pp. 241-244.
Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Nowaiser, F.M.Transition states of some pyridines(2002) Asian Journal of Chemistry, 14 (2), pp. 889-897.
Obaid, A.Y., Alvoubi, A.O., Samarkandy, A.A., Al-Thabaiti, S.A., Al-Juaid, S.S., El-Bellihi, A.A., Deifallah, E.H.M.Kinetics of thermal decomposition of copper(II) acetate monohydrate (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (3), pp. 985-994.
Lin, L., Al-Thabaiti, S., Kuntz, R.R.The photocatalytic production of H2 from molybdenum-sulfur compounds loaded on TiO2(1992) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 64 (1), pp. 93-101.
Al-Thabaiti, S., Kuntz, R.R.Photocatalytic Hydrogenation of Acetylene by Mo2 and Mo3 Oxo Species in Colloidal Ti02 Solutions (1990) Langmuir, 6 (4), pp. 782-786
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